Southern Cross

Shopping with greater convenience

Shop anytime, anywhere: To become a savvy online shopper, all you need to do is type in the website of the product that you are looking for which should take you right there. Then select your items and head for the checkout.
Shop anytime, anywhere: To become a savvy online shopper, all you need to do is type in the website of the product that you are looking for which should take you right there. Then select your items and head for the checkout.

This is advertiser content for Pennytel.

We live in an age where technology and the internet make everything more convenient, even shopping.

Remember the hard old days of shopping?

The purchase of everything from household necessities to a nice piece of clothing meant you had to get ready, find transport, fight the traffic, get a park and then battle the crowds to your destination outlet where, quite possibly, you find the item you have come for is out of stock.

In this modern world, almost everything is available at your fingertips.

Online or virtual stores allow people to shop from the comfort of their homes without the pressure of a salesperson hovering close by. Let your typing fingers do the walking has become our new mantra.

Flexibility and convenience coupled with the availability of internet on digital devices, including mobile phones, continues to change consumer behaviour and increases online shopping.

Shopping with greater convenience
Shopping with greater convenience

Bigger smartphones and faster mobile data connections are continuously making it easier for consumers to use the internet to shop on their phones.

If you're unsure which website stocks your item, the simplest way is to jump onto the Google website and type what you want.

Searching this way should return you a whole variety of options and websites that provide comparison on the product.

For the bargain hunter, this could be a great way to find price discounts and better online offers.

While the corresponding bricks and mortar shop may also have the sale, online shopping takes away the time sensitivity of opening hours as you can shop at any time of the day or night.

Bargain hunting is made easy online as you are able to scout for all available bargains, compare prices and research products.

Every shopper knows to look out for a bargain and a great deal. When a promotion is too good to be true, you need to act swiftly to take advantage.

Shopping with greater convenience
Shopping with greater convenience

Take mobile plans for example. You might be on the lookout for a great mobile plan and with a lot of options out there, when you do come across a fabulous deal there's no reason not to go for it.

Pennytel recently relaunched their Large plan; a mobile plan that gives you 10GB data and unlimited calls and texts to 15 international countries per month.

While the starting price of $24.99 a month represents great value, now Pennytel are offering an exclusive 30 per cent off for three months promotion on this plan.

The beauty is, this plan and others can be purchased in the comfort of your own home.

Simply go online to and choose which plan suits you, checkout and wait for the SIM to be delivered to your door. How's that for convenient?

For more information call Pennytel on1300 262 146 or go to

This is advertiser content for Pennytel.